Cash Crate
I joined this site in 2015. Don't think I have received my first payment yet, but anyway.

Coin Bucks
Visit site here.

Opini: .
My earnings, at Opini

Pure Profile
One of my favourite sites, seems to be more generous than the others. Last time I logged in, they gave me 50 cents just to tell them my name. Unlike other anonymous type survey sites, Pure Profile has a social vibe. You get rewarded for your integrity. Hit AUS$25 and you can get rewards sent to your bank account.

Your Opinion
At the beginning you will asked if you or a member of your family work in journalism, advertising, or a field related to the topic of the survey. Click no to this question. You will then be asked some standard questions such as gender, age and so on. Doing the surveys can be mindnumbing, but you get to learn about new products before they are launched. You can convert your points to Domino Pizza vouchers.