CASSIUS CROON HAD BEEN GOING THROUGH A SAMUEL L JACKSON PHASE LATELY, and that explained his kangol cap and zebra skins and his sudden love of vodka. It also justified his current choice of girlfriend - a Cockney chick named Jas. She was dressed just like Surfer Girl out of Quentin Tarantino's Jacky Brown, and like that infamous character, she could suck head just as deep!

<<You ought to give that shit up>> Croon said. It was the night of the Catheter visitation, and Croon was looking for any excuse to drop her. <<You know it fucks with your motivation.>>

<<You're one to speak!>>

She sidled on to his lap, wrapped a milky thigh around the back of his chair. <<You'd hook yourself to a ventilator if you thought it would save your lungs some work.>>

Croon took a long draught from her bong.

<<Baby, I'm conserving.>>

<<No baby, you're preserving. Sometimes I'm convinced you're really dead, and all that alcohol you drink is really just formaldehyde.>>

<<Screw you.>> He pushed her from his lap. She landed bum-first on the floor, breaking into stonie giggles.

<<I'll kill you>> Croon said.

Just then there was a knock at the door, and Jasmin ran off to answer it (how very un-Surfer Girl of her!)

<<Dice, Strife>> Croon said, welcoming his old mates. <<Well, it seems our party is complete. Let's cut to the chase, and bottomline it.>>

CASSIUS CROON and other characters copyright Rob Sullivan 1996-2001.

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