This was my second trip to South Korea and it is sure not to be my last! Some people write it off as a travel destination, bu I think it is cool in a yellowed, slightly rustic kind of way. All photos 2002/2003.

Beautiful kingdom of Thailand

Tokyo Transport Museum
Lots of miniature trains and 3-wheeled trucks and planes and stuff at the Tokyo Transportation Museum.

Stakkholtsgja, A Beautiful River Valley in Iceland
Photos from Iceland, centered on the beautiful and astounding Stakkholtsgja Valley in the Skoga/Thorsmork area of South Iceland

South Korea in the Spring!
Photos of South Korea, its temples and neon signs and colourful anti-globalisation protests!

Korea's Own Great Wall of China
This is the closest you can get to seeing the Great Wall of China until SARS is controlled -- the walled city of Suwon, South Korea

Hindu Gods::Krishna
Hindu Gods, Krishna Australia



[western wall]
suwon korea 2003

copyright rob sullivan 1996-2003 and beyond!