
HYSTERICS WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THEMSELVES, BUT ALSO REFUSE TO KNOW. Female hysterics are looking for a man who understands the feminine mystery. Pretend to know, and they will flock to you!

Hysterics cling to a pre-sexual bond with their mother. They dream of procreation without the use of sexual organs. Their fundamental fear is an overdose of pleasure.

The hysteric fantasy is: a <> Barred A (non-existent Other). In other words, they yearn for unsatisfied desire, and lost causes. H/T(r) > E / -E (Hatred of Existence leads to a love of non-existence.) Anorexia, for example, is an extreme form of hysterical self-denial.

Hysterics often try to hystericize people they deal with (Gabriella and Saira with their disappearance, and silence). Don't let this happen to you!

When Greta Thunberg spoke at the United Nations, one could imagine she was addressing the Big Other, as well as trying to hystericize the entire world:

"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words," climate activist Greta Thunberg tells the UN. "We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you." https://t.co/F5Umw55Y5Y pic.twitter.com/K0WxGCeU4A

— CNN (@CNN) September 23, 2019

Protestors, and indeed the Left in general, are hysterics: they seek unsatisfied desire.

The hysteric wants to be the cause of the Other's desire, not his jouissance.

The refusal of sexual knowledge leads to a refusal of all other kinds of knowledge. Denise from OctoberFest... she couldn't remember cracking on to me! Wilson and his constant questions, and his lack of self-awareness.

The body of the hysteric is divided into 2 zones: the genital (inhibited), and the non-genital (hyper-erotisized).

Lesbianism is an extreme form of hysteria.

The hysteric subject gives privileged place to another woman, the woman supposed to know what it is to be a woman. Kim Carnes singing about Bette Davis Eyes.

Bjork: "Our love was my womb but our bond has broken / My shield is gone, my protection is taken"

Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush... a hysteric anthem!

2017 Note: When Ayako moved out, the best thing to do would have been to continue chasing her. Obviously, she wanted to be chased; moving out was part of the dance. Getting angry with her was not the ideal solution. Neither would abandoning interest, or giving her the cold shoulder.

Anorexia is an extreme form of hysterical self-denial.

My panic attacks have had a hystericizing effect on me... they force me to ask what they mean.

Alan Watts could be a male hysteric: in search of the lost x!