Lessons for Kids

LESSONS CAN BE ADAPTED FOR YOUR CHILD'S NEEDS, AND USE LEVELLED MATERIALS (FROM A-Z). In the lesson plan below, it is assumed that the child is at the Beginner to Intermediate stage, but I can of course use more difficult material if required. (To test your child's English level, Cambridge can help, as can BrainPOP!)

Introductions & Making Conversation

Let Me Introduce Myself
How Old are You?
What? Where? Who? How?


What Do you Like? (I don't like eggs)
What's the Time? (Intermediate Level)
What Season is it?
Bob's House (Google Documents)
Bob's Weekly Schedule
Would You Rather...? (Google Documents)
Did You Have a Good Sleep Last Night? (Chinese students)

Phonics & Spelling

THERE ARE 44 sounds in the English language but only 26 letters to represent them. Phonics is a way to teach children how to learn different ways that these sounds can be spelt. For example, the letter "y" can have a "yǝ" sound at the beginning of a word, but an "ī" sound at the end of others (like "sky").

Alongside phonics, it is important for children to learn to recognize common words instantly, without needing to spell them out in the mind. These are called sight words, and include common words like "one" (wǝn) or "are".

There are two cases of the English alphabet, making a total of 52 characters in all. Sentences always start with a capital letter.

Short English vowels ([a], e, i, o, u, y): Starfall.
Beginning Consonant Sounds ([b], [d]): Kizphonics.
Long English vowels: ([ī], [u:]): Kids vs Phonics.
Long vowels with a Silent "E" at the End of the Word: Starfall.
Basic Sight Words
More Sight Words
Consonant Blends
Capital Letters


Pizza Place (Fractions, Counting & Shapes)
Colours (Level A)
Folding Paper (Origami: Level C)


AS NATIVE speakers children tend to acquire grammar organically (that is, all at once). They don't study nouns at one time, and articles at another. Rather they learn them both together... the article is connected to the noun (for example, the dog). Prepositions are also learned as extensions of verbs or nouns, too, without conscious awareness that they are discrete units.

Teachers can accelerate the acquisition process by presenting material that is organic, but not too difficult. Every learner needs to start at the ...

Me, Myself and I (Introduction to Pronouns)
I Am
There Be Minions
Some Things Can Go (simple verbs and adjectives)
He is Tall, I am Short
Mr Men (Adjectives)
This is Fred's head. This is Goofy's nose (Possessives)
What Does a Lemon Taste Like? (Adjectives)
The Hands Book (Singular vs Plural Nouns)
The Foot Book (Dr Seuss)
Ratatoille (Countable vs Uncountable Nouns)
Look, I Can Make Cookies! (Modal Verbs)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Wash Your Hands (Pink Fong)
Jack's Birdhouse (Modal Verbs / Level D)
What Time Do You Have Lunch?
We Need Something that Smells Fruity (Curious George)
What are They Doing? (Present Continuous Tense)
Going Boating (Peppa Pig / Causative Verbs)
Puppy Simulator
SuperReader (Simple Tense Verbs Game)
Comparative & Superlative Adjectives (Google Drive)

Basic Prepositions
Preposition Game (Put the Cat on the Sofa)
Present Perfect Tense (with Simon's Cat)
ABC Zoo (Level G)
Places in Town (Common Nouns)
Where is the Library (It is Opposite the Park...)
It Must be Tough to be Slow All the Time (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Molly's Town
Sentence Monkey (Present Progressive Tense)
Describe a Picture (There is/are)
Describe this Girl

Possessive Nouns
Red Rubber Ball (Simple Past Tense)
Landmarks Tell You Where You Are (Curious George)
Champion Island (Google Doodle)
What are Fish? (3rd Grade/Level M).


Christmas (British Council)
Christmas Santa Tracker (Google)
Lunar New Year
Mother's Day
Olympic Games

Story Books


Fish Out of Water (Level A)
In the Dark, Dark Wood (Level D)
Maria Goes to School (Level A)
Ollie the Octopus

Winter Stories for Beginners
Charlotte's Web


Cambridge Starters textbook (for pre-A1 level students)

Cambridge A1 Activities
Family & Friends Starter Book (pre A-1)
Family & Friends 1

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